[pacman-dev] Final steps before 3.1 release
Nagy Gabor
ngaba at bibl.u-szeged.hu
Mon Dec 3 05:47:02 EST 2007
> Speak now or forever regret not speaking.
> I'd like to push toward a 3.1 release very soon (2 weeks time?). I
> need to ensure we get everything done we need to before that time.
> Earlier tonight, I sent out an email asking for translations. I just
> now added a comment to the 3.1 Release Roadmap on Flyspray
> <http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/8109>. I'd appreciate feedback there
> (but please not lengthy discussion of "why isn't this in 3.1"- if you
> don't have a patch for it, it isn't getting in).
> The only other big things I can think of are these two issues:
> 1. Our frontend output is still a bit jacked up. We need to get
> messages looking correct during progress bar output.
> 2. Documentation updates, including the changelog (we've had 646
> commits since the 3.0.0 release, so we have some digging to do).
> Are there any other showstoppers to doing a release?
> -Dan
Well, the changelog between 3.0.x and 3.1 will be huge and impressive;-)
There are some issues which annoy me a bit:
-sync044.py (but this is only one thing: see
http://www.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2007-September/009271.html for
details) <- %REASON% is one of my favourite libalpm features, and now this is
quite buggy :-(
OK, I don't want to delay this release (imho we should release pacman more
frequently <- but then we should do a message freeze between two major versions
to help to our translators), but I think we should release 3.1.1 soon to fix
these. Or to be precise, these are libalpm (libdownload?) issues, but in AL we
have no separate libalpm package.
SZTE Egyetemi Könyvtár - http://www.bibl.u-szeged.hu
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