[pacman-dev] My $0.02 on the Frugalware v.s. Arch bit...

Christ Schlacta aarcane at gmail.com
Mon Jan 1 20:29:11 EST 2007

now now, bickering won't help.  so a patch wasn't applied.  I can't
speak to it either way, but I think that aaron should at least make a
statement as to why, and if there wasn't a good reason for it's not
being applied, either technical, or timewise, he should issue an
apology, but since I'm not him, I don't know the reasons, and I can't
say what he should do.  Ultimately though, I think there needs to be a
reunification of the packman development branches, pacman will fall
prey to the same pitfalls as apt and rpm, and the same pitfalls as
atom and rss as well.  there should be no separation if it can be
avoided, and as far as I can tell, it's up to aaron to make the first
step and explain what he can.

on an aside, I think the pacman development would be much smoother and
more forward thinking if developers could get CVS access so that we
don't have this same issue with a single maintainer holding all the
strings in the future.

Aaron, I hope you'll send a reply to this when you get back from
whatever holiday you're celebrating.

On 1/1/07, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2007/1/1, VMiklos <vmiklos at frugalware.org>:
> > feel free to gime some <i don't know what Aaron wishes> to Aaron to get
> > our patches applied. as we already stated in several mails, we've lost
> > our motivation
> Ehm, correct me if I'm wrong, but AFAIK only one of your patch was not applied.
> > anyway, happy new year to all pacman{,-g2} hackers ;)
> Happy new year for all! :)
> Let it be even more productive!
> --
> Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)
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