[pacman-dev] [patch] resolvedeps cleanup + pactest

ngaba at petra.hos.u-szeged.hu ngaba at petra.hos.u-szeged.hu
Tue Jul 10 15:46:48 EDT 2007

> I guess this is a reference to :
> 628     /*TODO this autoresolves the first 'provides' package... we 
> should fix this
> 629      * somehow */
> Looks like pacman could indeed be smarter in the case you describe :)

But you should see, that this is not just a feature request, because 
there are some rare cases when one resolving leads to a conflict, while 
an other one doesn't; and pacman should do an "error-free" resolving 
(if it exists) in these cases. I hope, that it's clear now, what I 
wanted to say ;-) (Sorry for my bad English)
Bye, ngaba

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