[pacman-dev] [namcap] release version 3.0.5

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Wed Mar 30 07:21:54 EDT 2011

On 30/03/11 09:29, Rémy Oudompheng wrote:
> Hello,
> namcap 3.0.5 is released. Since the announcement of namcap 3.0.3, the
> following problems were fixed:

It is great to see this project revitalised and having so much work put 
into improving it.

This looks good to me:

 > namcap $(find . -name PKGBUILD | sort)
PKGBUILD (bash) W: Non standard variable 'p' doesn't start with an 
PKGBUILD (db) W: Description should not contain the package name.
PKGBUILD (dialog) W: Description should not contain the package name.
PKGBUILD (file) W: Description should not contain the package name.
PKGBUILD (filesystem) W: Description should not contain the package name.
PKGBUILD (kernel26-lts) E: Split PKGBUILD needs additional makedepends 
['coreutils', 'module-init-tools', 'kernel26-firmware', 'mkinitcpio'] to 
work properly
PKGBUILD (kernel26-lts) E: File referenced in $startdir
PKGBUILD (kernel26) E: File referenced in $startdir
PKGBUILD (licenses) W: Description should not contain the package name.
PKGBUILD (make) W: Description should not contain the package name.
PKGBUILD (ndiswrapper-lts) E: File referenced in $startdir
PKGBUILD (ndiswrapper) E: File referenced in $startdir
PKGBUILD (ndiswrapper) E: File referenced in $startdir
PKGBUILD (ndiswrapper) E: File referenced in $startdir
PKGBUILD (pam) W: Description should not contain the package name.
PKGBUILD (patch) W: Description should not contain the package name.
PKGBUILD (readline) W: Non standard variable 'p' doesn't start with an 
PKGBUILD (readline) W: Description should not contain the package name.
PKGBUILD (shadow) W: Description should not contain the package name.
PKGBUILD (tiacx-lts) E: File referenced in $startdir
PKGBUILD (tiacx) E: File referenced in $startdir
PKGBUILD (xz) W: Description should not contain the package name.

Nothing that is a false positive as far as I can tell.

A couple of minor comments from scanning a bunch of packages with this:

I wonder if there is some way to detect whether an info page needs 
installed.  These files do not:
cloog-ppl E: Info files detected but not updated with "install-info" in 
install file

This is a dependency included to run the install scriptlet:
make W: Dependency included and not needed ('sh')


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