[pacman-dev] [PATCH] paccache: adding removeuninstall option

Maxim Andersson thesilentboatman at gmail.com
Thu Oct 9 14:25:42 UTC 2014

This option removes every uninstalled package in the cache.

Signed-off-by: Maxim Andersson <thesilentboatman at gmail.com>
 contrib/paccache.sh.in | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/paccache.sh.in b/contrib/paccache.sh.in
index 71aee23..02ccc22 100644
--- a/contrib/paccache.sh.in
+++ b/contrib/paccache.sh.in
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ shopt -s extglob
 declare -r myname='paccache'
 declare -r myver='@PACKAGE_VERSION@'
-declare -a cachedirs=() candidates=() cmdopts=() whitelist=() blacklist=()
+declare -a cachedirs=() candidates=() cmdopts=() whitelist=() blacklist=() installedpkgs=()
 declare -i delete=0 dryrun=0 filecount=0 move=0 needsroot=0 totalsaved=0 verbose=0
 declare    delim=$'\n' keep=3 movedir= scanarch=
@@ -94,11 +94,18 @@ pkgfilter() {
 		# create blacklist
 		blen = ARGV[i]; delete ARGV[i]
-		while (i++ < ARGC) {
+		while (i++ < 2 + wlen + blen) {
 			blacklist[ARGV[i]] = 1
 			delete ARGV[i]
+		# create installedpkgs
+		ilen = ARGV[i]; delete ARGV[i]
+		while (i++ < ARGC) {
+			installedpkgs[ARGV[i]] = 1
+			delete ARGV[i]
+		}
 		# read package filenames
 		while (getline < "/dev/stdin") {
@@ -108,9 +115,14 @@ pkgfilter() {
 			# idx[1,2] = idx[pkgname,arch]
 			split(pkglist, idx, SUBSEP)
+			count = split(packages[idx[1], idx[2]], pkgs, SUBSEP)
+		        if (ilen && !installedpkgs[idx[1]]) {
+				for (i in pkgs) {
+					print pkgs[i]
+				}
 			# enforce architecture match if specified
-			if (!scanarch || scanarch == idx[2]) {
-				count = split(packages[idx[1], idx[2]], pkgs, SUBSEP)
+			} else if (!scanarch || scanarch == idx[2]) {
 				for(i = 1; i <= count - keep; i++) {
 					print pkgs[i]
@@ -177,25 +189,26 @@ A flexible pacman cache cleaning utility.
 Usage: ${myname} <operation> [options] [targets...]
-    -d, --dryrun          perform a dry run, only finding candidate packages.
-    -m, --move <dir>      move candidate packages to "dir".
-    -r, --remove          remove candidate packages.
+    -d, --dryrun            perform a dry run, only finding candidate packages.
+    -m, --move <dir>        move candidate packages to "dir".
+    -r, --remove            remove candidate packages.
-    -a, --arch <arch>     scan for "arch" (default: all architectures).
-    -c, --cachedir <dir>  scan "dir" for packages. can be used more than once.
-                          (default: read from @sysconfdir@/pacman.conf).
-    -f, --force           apply force to mv(1) and rm(1) operations.
-    -h, --help            display this help message and exit.
-    -i, --ignore <pkgs>   ignore "pkgs", comma-separated. Alternatively, specify
-                          "-" to read package names from stdin, newline-
-                          delimited.
-    -k, --keep <num>      keep "num" of each package in the cache (default: 3).
-        --nocolor         remove color from output.
-    -u, --uninstalled     target uninstalled packages.
-    -v, --verbose         increase verbosity. specify up to 3 times.
-    -z, --null            use null delimiters for candidate names (only with -v
-                          and -vv).
+    -a, --arch <arch>       scan for "arch" (default: all architectures).
+    -c, --cachedir <dir>    scan "dir" for packages. can be used more than once.
+                            (default: read from @sysconfdir@/pacman.conf).
+    -f, --force             apply force to mv(1) and rm(1) operations.
+    -h, --help              display this help message and exit.
+    -i, --ignore <pkgs>     ignore "pkgs", comma-separated. Alternatively, 
+                            specify "-" to read package names from stdin,
+                            newline-delimited.
+    -k, --keep <num>        keep "num" of each package in the cache (default: 3)
+        --nocolor           remove color from output.
+        --removeuninstalled removes every uninstalled package in the cache.
+    -u, --uninstalled       target uninstalled packages.
+    -v, --verbose           increase verbosity. specify up to 3 times.
+    -z, --null              use null delimiters for candidate names (only with 
+                            -v and -vv).
@@ -207,7 +220,7 @@ version() {
 OPT_LONG=('arch:' 'cachedir:' 'dryrun' 'force' 'help' 'ignore:' 'keep:' 'move'
-          'nocolor' 'remove' 'uninstalled' 'version' 'verbose' 'null')
+          'nocolor' 'remove' 'removeuninstalled' 'uninstalled' 'version' 'verbose' 'null')
 if ! parseopts "$OPT_SHORT" "${OPT_LONG[@]}" -- "$@"; then
 	exit 1
@@ -254,6 +267,8 @@ while :; do
 			shift ;;
 			delete=1 ;;
+		--removeuninstalled)
+			IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a installedpkgs < <(pacman -Qq) ;;
 			IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a ign < <(pacman -Qq)
@@ -318,7 +333,8 @@ for cachedir in "${cachedirs[@]}"; do
 		<(printf '%s\n' "$PWD"/*.pkg.tar?(.+([^.])) | pacsort --files |
 			pkgfilter "$keep" "$scanarch" \
 				"${#whitelist[*]}" "${whitelist[@]}" \
-				"${#blacklist[*]}" "${blacklist[@]}")
+				"${#blacklist[*]}" "${blacklist[@]}" \
+				"${#installedpkgs[*]}" "${installedpkgs[@]}")
 	unset cand

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