[pacman-dev] RFC: Really running package_* functions in rbash during printsrcinfo

Charles Duffy charles at dyfis.net
Sun Jan 6 19:28:47 UTC 2019

How it would work is that those operations fail, and we'd let them fail --
we don't need them to succeed for the (global) variables we're there for to
be set.

As a proof-of-concept-y example (obviously, we'd want to suppress all the
"command not found"s, "cd"s, etc unless the user has turned up the
verbosity level a bit), see the data correctly extracted at the end of the

$ env -i PATH=/var/empty ENV='' "$(type -P bash)" -r -c 'eval
"$(</dev/stdin)" >&2; package_postgresql >&2; declare -p pkgdesc backup
depends optdepends options install' <postgresql/PKGBUILD
environment: line 125: cd: restricted
environment: line 128: make: command not found
environment: line 129: make: command not found
environment: line 130: make: command not found
environment: line 134: make: command not found
environment: line 134: make: command not found
environment: line 134: make: command not found
environment: line 134: make: command not found
environment: line 134: make: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 138: rm: command not found
environment: line 142: install: command not found
environment: line 145: rm: command not found
environment: line 146: rm: command not found
environment: line 147: find: command not found
environment: line 148: rmdir: command not found
environment: line 150: install: command not found
environment: line 152: install: command not found
environment: line 155: install: command not found
environment: line 158: install: command not found
declare -- pkgdesc="Sophisticated object-relational DBMS"
declare -a backup=([0]="etc/pam.d/postgresql"
declare -a depends=([0]="postgresql-libs>=9.6.10" [1]="krb5" [2]="libxml2"
[3]="readline>=6.0" [4]="openssl>=1.0.0" [5]="pam")
declare -a optdepends=([0]="python2: for PL/Python support" [1]="perl: for
PL/Perl support" [2]="tcl: for PL/Tcl support" [3]="postgresql-old-upgrade:
upgrade from previous major version using pg_upgrade")
declare -a options=([0]="staticlibs")
declare -- install="postgresql.install"

On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 1:09 PM Eli Schwartz <eschwartz at archlinux.org> wrote:

> On 1/6/19 1:58 PM, Charles Duffy wrote:
> > Howdy --
> >
> > I recently had need to dig into the implementation of makepkg
> > --printsrcinfo, and ran into the "running regular expressions against
> > source code" operations in the backend.
> >
> > Obviously, this is not ideal. Indeed, I've previously written packages
> > (doing unusual and typically-undesirable things, granted) with
> conditional
> > logic *assuming* that actual execution would be taking place.
> >
> > I fully appreciate the decision not to try to go with more expansive
> > attempts at emulating bash parsing/execution in the future, but do folks
> > have any thoughts on **really** executing PKGBUILDs in a restricted
> > environment, including execution of the package_* functions?
> >
> > See a simple sandboxed parser for config files implemented as bash code
> in
> > code I've written for NixOS at
> >
> https://github.com/charles-dyfis-net/nixpkgs/blob/f50bfe267a312515d88e86c12ae002c4feefcc1f/pkgs/tools/filesystems/bees/bees-service-wrapper#L59-L65
> .
> > We might need a little more complexity here -- using DEBUG traps to avoid
> > "|| exit" logic from aborting, f/e -- but my initial impression is that
> > "more accurate than the current implementation" (and maybe a fair bit
> > faster, if we extract all variables in one subshell per function) is not
> a
> > hard goal to achieve.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> How would this work considering that it would have to actually do things
> like cd into $pkgdir, attempt to run /usr/bin/make, and so on?
> Setting the PATH to something empty won't help with what I'd guess is
> the primary use of complex functions in the wild, as discussed here:
> https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/58776
> Namely, executing /usr/bin/perl in order to discover its version and
> implement dependency ranges.
> --
> Eli Schwartz
> Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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