[pacman-dev] [Build-Requirement] In configure.ac 'File3.8' with Seccomp is required.

Eli Schwartz eschwartz at archlinux.org
Sun Jan 5 20:44:03 UTC 2020

On 1/5/20 3:20 PM, nly at disroot.org wrote:
>> pacman's configure.ac does not require file 5.38 to be installed. It
>> merely checks that file of some version is installed, and then sets an
>> option depending on whether the version is at least 5.38
> Thanks for the clarification.
> The error:
> ./configure: line 11708: syntax error near unexpected token `$file_version,'
> ./configure: line 11708: `	AX_COMPARE_VERSION($file_version, ge, 5.38, with_file_seccomp=yes)'
> Attached full log.


This is a syntax error, meaning that the AX_COMPARE_VERSION() m4 macro
was not available when you ran autoreconf, so the configure script was
incorrectly generated. The shell errored out when trying to execute the
m4 macro as an sh command.

In order to run autoreconf, you need to have autoconf-archive installed.

As per https://www.archlinux.org/pacman/#_releases you can get dist
tarballs for any version of pacman, here:

These are PGP-signed and come with autoreconf already run, so you don't
need to run it yourself -- just go straight to ./configure; make; make

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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