Not sure if this is intentional but trying to rebase the branch in this
MR is giving me a "something went wrong":…
I would guess that the person just didn't check the "let the maintainer
edit the commits" or something but I'd expect a less generic error
message. Is this intentional behavior or broken behavior?
Hey all,
We have been wanting to onboard folks automatically via Keycloak to all
our services. Mailman being one of them:
Gluebuddy seems to be the best fit for this, as it a) knows keycloak and
b) can also talk to mailman eventually (as it's just a REST API).
For this I made an issue in Gluebuddy and a WiP branch for Gluebuddy
which can do onboarding. [1]
There are however several issues left to solve as we have many different
usages of our mailing list.
I for example on Keycloak use jelle(a) for my account and my arch
email is jelle(a) (same as keycloak username).
However this is not always the case, we have folks who have:
- Different Keycloak email from Arch
- Different Arch mail address from login name ie. svenstaro =>
- May not use Arch email for mailing lists but their own.
So in Keycloak I've used the beta feature of profile attributes, to add
arch_email. And I think we should set this for all staff to be their
archlinux email address. Even if it's the same as their username.
With that solved we can onboard all arch email addresses. Would this
also help for onboarding users into At least we can
maybe replace the hardcoded mailmap?
Now I know a lot of us subscribe with their personal email, how do we
want to handle that from gluebuddy? Just mass subscribe and allow users
to unsubscribe? Or at least allow sending?
I haven't implemented onboarding, that likely has to request all users
from mailman and match them against known keycloak staff's
email/arch_email attributes.
P.S. the irony, I am not subscribed with my address to
this list.