---------------------------------------- From: Morten Linderud <foxboron@archlinux.org> Sent: Wed Jan 27 00:24:13 CET 2021 To: Geo Kozey <geokozey@mailfence.com> Cc: General Discussion about Arch Linux <arch-general@lists.archlinux.org> Subject: Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Chromium losing Sync support on March 15
Regardless of what is pessimistic speculation and not, read over the mailing list and figure out if you would like to put up with an upstream attitude like that. There is no obligation from us to the users that chromium belongs in the repository.
If google acts like asses they are going to burn bridges.
-- Morten Linderud PGP: 9C02FF419FECBE16
It's not upstream attitude that I'm really afraid of. Some comments on g groups were quite offensive towards google devs which hardly encourages productive discussion. Here discussion moved from let's drop chromium from repos to let's ban all google things from AUR. I feel like bridges are already burning. You say that Arch users have no obligation from you however some folks seem very entitled for obligations from google. Shouldn't some people forget about the thing for week or two and return with a refreshed mind? Side note: if those api services were such important for users then all those forks which strip them weren't such popular (and soon they will be pointless). As firefox also uses google safe browsing api (which losing as I read is one of the reasons for dropping chromium) then I hope it won't result in firefox package dropped too within bringing the justice goal and leave Arch users only with good old lynx. Yours sincerely G. K.