[arch-dev-public] 2007.08 Don't Panic Isos release

Jürgen Hötzel juergen at hoetzel.info
Wed Aug 8 15:37:33 EDT 2007

On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 09:20:40PM +0200, Damir Perisa wrote:
> Wednesday 08 August 2007, eliott wrote:
>  | ok. What the hell?
>  |
>  | This is ridiculous.
>  | I think it is great that damir is off to fix all the software that
>  | deals with escape characters poorly, but in the mean time, I feel
>  | a need to find a resolution that isn't np-hard.
>  |
>  | It must be my development/engineering background.
>  | Silly me being all practical.
>  |
>  | If nobody has any objections, I will change the iso filenames to
>  | *not* include the ' character. I will probably have to contact the
>  | guy who posted the torrents as well. It will be a hassle, but this
>  | is so ludicrous that I am willing to do some extra legwork to fix
>  | it.
>  |
>  | Any objections?
> but seriously: where else are the problems? besides graveman that is 
> in a major rewrite atm? are we (speaking broadly for all software 
> projects) not able to handle any filename chars in 2007?

obviously graveman is broken. A typical example of not escaping special
chars, when invoking shell commands. Maybe this is also a security related
bug (if graveman can be invoked as handler for iso files).

I prefer not changing the original name (i think there are referring links by now).


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