[arch-dev-public] 2007.08 Don't Panic Isos release

Aaron Griffin aaronmgriffin at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 16:13:27 EDT 2007

On 8/8/07, Damir Perisa <damir.perisa at solnet.ch> wrote:
>  | I'm with cactus on this. This is silly. There is a problem. It has
>  | been stated and shown to exist, yet I still see this "fix the rest
>  | of the world, we're in the right" attitude that I just find...
>  | well, daft.
> call me daft but somebody must start with the attitude to try to fix
> the world. sometimes you are right and the world is wrong ;-)

This is a great attitude, if the problem didn't exist _right now_.
Instead, what we're doing staring at a leaky faucet and saying "man, I
really need to replace these pipes with modern ones, which means I'll
need a plumber, and I'll have to hire some contractors to remove the
dry wall, move the furniture out of the rooms that have pipes, and
make sure to put in a purchase order at The Home Depot. I guess this
faucet is going to be leaking for a few months while I get this
construction complete" when instead you could have just tightened the
faucet and fixed the pipes another day.

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