[arch-dev-public] 2007.08 Don't Panic Isos release

Damir Perisa damir.perisa at solnet.ch
Wed Aug 8 16:44:53 EDT 2007

great analogy with the plumbing!

Wednesday 08 August 2007, Aaron Griffin wrote:
 | This is a great attitude, if the problem didn't exist _right now_.

the problem is that there is always something existing already. 

you can try to fix the leaky plumbing only untill it breaks that it 
floods your room. of course because of one or two drops you do not 
start replacing all the tubings but especially problems that are "so 
often" problems should be solved once correctly. a few drops can get 
forgotten and suddenly you are having a wet habitat at home. 

i'm not for torturing users with intentionally made holes in the road 
for a forced mass testing of open source software. but minor things 
like our latest iso filename come handy in detecting holes and make 
people aware of them. they are not stoppers, because everybody can 
rename the file if some software is not working... but for now i have 
anyway no reports except graveman that we know the explaination now. 

actually we (broad term) should be quite proud on us (same broad term) 
for not having actually much more problems with this, keeping in mind 
that its mostly amateurs coding for open source projects for free 

- D


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