[arch-dev-public] install scripts in core

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Sat Jan 31 08:18:26 EST 2009

Thomas Bächler wrote:
> Allan McRae schrieb:
>> fakeroot
>>  echo (coreutils)
> echo is a shell builtin, /bin/echo will never be used.
> <snip>
> As I said, echo is a shell builtin, and unless we call /bin/echo 
> explicitly, the builtin will be used (it's not only a builtin in bash, 
> but also dash, so we should be fine). We could replace 'cat XYZ | 
> command' with 'command < XYZ'.
>> The install scripts for lilo and vi also fail if bash is not 
>> installed (for some unknown reason).  Lilo is just and old style 
>> "/bin/true" script so is easily fixed but I do not understand these 
>> two issues...
> No idea here too, maybe one of the commands calls /bin/sh or so. 
> Making lilo and vi depend on "sh" or so is okay IMO. 

The echo stuff is just as weird as what is happening with vi and lilo.  
But I can replicate the for errors the packages using echo with both 
makchrootpkg and "pacman -Sr <root> pkg".  Installing bash before these 
packages fixes the issue (dash does not).   Anyone know what is causing 


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