[arch-dev-public] Fixing Perl 5.10.0

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Tue Jul 7 09:40:38 EDT 2009

Firmicus wrote:
> I've sent the following message to Kevin a week ago, but since he has
> not responded, I thought it was best to raise the issue on this list.
> ---
> Perl 5.10.0 suffers from a few bugs, which have been fixed in
> Strawberry Perl (for Windows) and Debian.
> I would really like to apply the latest Debian patch for Perl 5.10.0
> (description at http://patch-tracking.debian.net/package/perl/5.10.0-23
> and patch at
> http://patch-tracking.debian.net/patch/nondebian/dl/perl/5.10.0-23).
> I know our our policy is to be as vanilla as possible, but take it as
> the exception that confirms the rule
> (and a consequence of the fact that perl releases occur at an extremely
> slow pace).
> My PKGBUILD and the debian patch with my modifications to get
> rid of Debian-specific stuff are here:
> http://archlinux.org/~francois/perl_pkgbuild+patch.tar.gz
> It compiles well here and "make test" passes all the tests. I have used it
> without problem for two weeks now.
> If you agree, I can upload the packages for both arches to testing this
> evening.
> NB: the Debian patch takes care of FS#13901
> BTW, any opinion on FS#10971 and FS#13808 ?

That is an awfully big patch...  I do not use perl so I have no opinion 
here, but fixing breakages is usually a good thing.  Both the FS bug 
reports look sensible to me.


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