[arch-dev-public] Vim breakage...again

Tobias Kieslich tobias at justdreams.de
Thu Jul 23 02:07:05 EDT 2009

Hi Dan,

	I'm sorry about that. On top of changing the path I screwed up with
settin gthe runtimepath still in archlinux.vim. The vimcurrent approach
was modelled after Debian but it turns out to be over the top.

Vim apparently always searches in a folder /vim/share/vim/vimfiles for
plugins. That happens out of the box. This is badly documented, but much
preferable over screwing with the runtime path. So I will fix vim to get
rid of any runtime path and provide an empty /vim/share/vim/vimfiles as
a base folder for all plugins.

Yes that mean we would need to rebuild the plugins again. But that would
be the last time.

On Wed, 22 Jul 2009, Dan McGee wrote:

> What the heck is going on?
> I spent a good hour or two rebuilding the vim plugins for the correct
> location when vim first went into [testing] a few months ago, and with
> this new vim in testing, they are once again *all* broken. This is
> unacceptable as far as I am concerned. If I'm the only one that thinks
> so, I'll quiet down a bit, but I am getting awfully frustrated with
> this.
> If we move plugin locations or distro install locations, *all*
> packages dependent on this location need to be rebuilt. I even made it
> 10 times easier to do so by putting the path in a shell script
> variable!
> -Dan
> dmcgee at galway /etc
> $ pacman -Sl testing | grep 'vim-'
> testing vim-a 2.18-3
> testing vim-bufexplorer 7.2.2-2
> testing vim-buftabs 0.13-1
> testing vim-colorsamplerpack 6.0-2
> testing vim-doxygentoolkit 0.2.4-1
> testing vim-guicolorscheme 1.2-1
> testing vim-matchit 1.13.2-1
> testing vim-minibufexpl 6.3.2-5
> testing vim-omnicppcomplete 0.4.1-2
> testing vim-project 1.4.1-3
> testing vim-taglist 45-2
> testing vim-vcscommand 29-2
> testing vim-workspace 1.0b1-3

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