[arch-dev-public] [signoff] Please test new db-scripts
Aaron Griffin
aaronmgriffin at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 16:29:33 EDT 2009
On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Aaron Griffin <aaronmgriffin at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:52 PM, Eric BĂ©langer <snowmaniscool at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Aaron Griffin <aaronmgriffin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> See /arch-test/
>>> This should have a better cleanup script, no more dependence on
>>> makepkg.conf, improved integrity check, scripts for community-testing
>>> and a bunch more things.
>>> Eric, I'm adjusting the sourceball cron job now, because you like that :)
>> I used the new db-extra and db-testing a couple of time. Didn't
>> noticed any problems.
>> The sourceball script didn't work. It was ran as root:
>> $ zcat /var/log/sourceballs/facile.gz
>> ==> ERROR: Running makepkg as root is a BAD idea and can cause
>> permanent, catastrophic damage to your system. If you
>> wish to run as root, please use the --asroot option.
>> We'll need to run it as a user or use the --asroot option.
> Aha, this is what the "cronjob" user used to be for. I added a user
> specifically for this purpose. Looks like it's running right now, so I
> will test this and jiggle with the permissions later on today.
>> Looks like the svn command is failing for community packages:
> Yeah. I disabled community in the sourceballs cron job for now. I
> guess I'll need a selector to get the svn repo URL based on hostname
> and repo... ewww
Just a ping on this. Does everything seem ok? I'd like to tag and
release this for both us and the TUs shortly.
Note the sourceball script needs additional work to work with
community, but I will get to it eventually. I added it here:
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