[arch-general] Firefox 3 on latest update of Don't Panic question

Alessio Bolognino themolok.ml at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 17:58:55 EDT 2008

On Mon 2008-06-23 23:23, Nigel Henry wrote:
> I'm just about to update one of my 2 instances of Don't Panic. Firefox 3 is 
> going to be installed. I'd had problems playing a radio stream from a radio 
> station in the Channel Islands using Bon Echo, so downloaded and installed 
> another instance of Firefox from the Mozilla site, and installed it 
> in /usr/local, where I normally install Firefox. This ran the stream from the 
> site ok. I then changed the identity of Bon Echo to Firefox, and this too ran 
> the stream ok. The site obviously had some problems with the Bon Echo 
> identity.
> The question is though. If I go ahead with the upgrade of Firefox/Bon Echo to 
> 3.0-1, is it still going to play well with the Firefox I installed from the 
> Mozilla site (version At the moment they are both happy to share 
> the same files in ~/, and both use the same addons.
> For info my current Bon Echo version is
> I havn't tried Firefox 3 yet, so it may be interesting, but all the same, 
> don't want to screw anything up.
> Whatever it's like, it can't be as bad as all the complaints I've seen 
> regarding KDE4 on the Fedora, and Kubuntu lists. Saying that though, new 
> stuff always gets a lot of feedback, both positive, and negative.

To me it seems like the site you are visiting handle Firefox in a
special way, but since your browser use the "Bon Echo" user agent, the
site doesn't do what it's supposed to. You can try to change your user
agent with an addon like this:


Alessio (molok) Bolognino

Please send personal email to themolok at gmail.com

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