June 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jun 1 01:28:40 EDT 2008
Ending: Mon Jun 30 22:44:29 EDT 2008
Messages: 265
- [arch-general] resurrecting srcpac
Hussam Al-Tayeb
- [arch-general] kernel vga setting problems
Ralph Alvy
- [arch-general] kernel vga setting problems
Ralph Alvy
- [arch-general] kernel vga setting problems
Ralph Alvy
- [arch-general] Problems with mounting linux partition with gid
Ralph Alvy
- [arch-general] Problems with mounting linux partition with gid
Ralph Alvy
- [arch-general] Basic tar backup ?
Marc Deop i Argemí
- [arch-general] usb keyboard and mouse
- [arch-general] gdm not found when booting into runlevel 5
Christian Babeux
- [arch-general] Out dated packages in extra - What to do ?
Christian Babeux
- [arch-general] usb keyboard and mouse
Armando M. Baratti
- [arch-general] AUR Tarball format (makepkg --source)
Callan Barrett
- [arch-general] Could not upload nxcomp package to AUR
Callan Barrett
- [arch-general] [gcc-4.3] segfault when runnung -O3 compiled c++ code
Maik Beckmann
- [arch-general] [gcc-4.3] segfault when runnung -O3 compiled c++ code
Maik Beckmann
- [arch-general] [gcc-4.3] segfault when runnung -O3 compiled c++ code
Maik Beckmann
- [arch-general] [gcc-4.3] segfault when runnung -O3 compiled c++ code
Maik Beckmann
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Azureus
Eric Belanger
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Emmanuel Benisty
- [arch-general] Out dated packages in extra - What to do ?
Emmanuel Benisty
- [arch-general] SSH Keys
Ramiro Blanco
- [arch-general] For any users unable to send to the ML
Daenyth Blank
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] maintainers wanted
Daenyth Blank
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Azureus
Daenyth Blank
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Alessio Bolognino
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Alessio Bolognino
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Alessio Bolognino
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Alessio Bolognino
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Alessio Bolognino
- [arch-general] Dealing with Info documentation
Alessio Bolognino
- [arch-general] ion3 policy
Alessio Bolognino
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Alessio Bolognino
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Alessio Bolognino
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Alessio Bolognino
- [arch-general] Firebug FF extension won't upgrade with FF3.0
Alessio Bolognino
- [arch-general] Firefox 3 on latest update of Don't Panic question
Alessio Bolognino
- [arch-general] GTK applications can not remember their last position
Chris Bolton
- [arch-general] GTK applications can not remember their last position
Chris Bolton
- [arch-general] Archlinux Gaming Repository
Chris Bolton
- [arch-general] ion3 policy
Grigorios Bouzakis
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Grigorios Bouzakis
- [arch-general] AUR Tarball format (makepkg --source)
Gerhard Brauer
- [arch-general] AUR Tarball format (makepkg --source)
Gerhard Brauer
- [arch-general] Could not upload nxcomp package to AUR
Gerhard Brauer
- [arch-general] Could not upload nxcomp package to AUR
Gerhard Brauer
- [arch-general] Need to mount 2nd SATA drive
Gerhard Brauer
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Patrick Burroughs
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] initscripts 2008.05-1
Thomas Bächler
- [arch-general] Problem starting vsftpd service. (Don't Panic)
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Geoffroy Carrier
- [arch-general] Problems with mounting linux partition with gid
Jared Casper
- [arch-general] [gcc-4.3] segfault when runnung -O3 compiled c++ code
Dincer Celik
- [arch-general] usb keyboard and mouse
- [arch-general] usb keyboard and mouse
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Pierre Chapuis
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Pierre Chapuis
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
François Charette
- [arch-general] resurrecting srcpac
Jason Chu
- [arch-general] resurrecting srcpac
Jason Chu
- [arch-general] Out dated packages in extra - What to do ?
Mathieu Clabaut
- [arch-general] Out dated packages in extra - What to do ?
Mathieu Clabaut
- [arch-general] Out dated packages in extra - What to do ?
Mathieu Clabaut
- [arch-general] Out dated packages in extra - What to do ?
Mathieu Clabaut
- [arch-general] Archlinux Gaming Repository
- [arch-general] Basic tar backup ?
Allie Daneman
- [arch-general] X errors...
Allie Daneman
- [arch-general] X errors...
Allie Daneman
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Allie Daneman
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Allie Daneman
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Allie Daneman
- [arch-general] Firefox version keeps crashing
Allie Daneman
- [arch-general] Need to mount 2nd SATA drive
Allie Daneman
- [arch-general] should gawk be in group base-devel?
Neil Darlow
- [arch-general] should gawk be in group base-devel?
Neil Darlow
- [arch-general] new arch user, questions about package management
Abhishek Dasgupta
- [arch-general] Problem with Transient resolver failure with pacman (Don't Panic)
Abhishek Dasgupta
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Yonathan Dossow
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Yonathan Dossow
- [arch-general] [gcc-4.3] segfault when runnung -O3 compiled c++ code
Fredrik Eriksson
- [arch-general] [gcc-4.3] segfault when runnung -O3 compiled c++ code
Fredrik Eriksson
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Gustavo A. Gómez Farhat
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Gustavo A. Gómez Farhat
- [arch-general] speakers don't turn off when headphones inserted
Gustavo A. Gómez Farhat
- [arch-general] How do I configure my webcamera?
Carlos A M Filho
- [arch-general] Xen for Arch Linux
- [arch-general] apache-/httpd-config files (was: [arch-dev-public] cleaned-up apache package)
- [arch-general] Problem with Transient resolver failure with pacman (Don't Panic)
甘露(Lu Gan)
- [arch-general] SSH Keys
Vitor Garcia
- [arch-general] [gcc-4.3] segfault when runnung -O3 compiled c++ code
Angus Gibson
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Graziano Giuliani
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Graziano Giuliani
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Repo cleanup / Package adoption
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] http://www.archlinux.org/about is outdated
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] Basic tar backup ?
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] filesystem-2008.06-1
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] gdm not found when booting into runlevel 5
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] gdm not found when booting into runlevel 5
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] Package file lists?
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] Package file lists?
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] Package file lists?
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] Package file lists?
Aaron Griffin
- [arch-general] should gawk be in group base-devel?
Jan de Groot
- [arch-general] should gawk be in group base-devel?
Jan de Groot
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Jan de Groot
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Jan de Groot
- [arch-general] ion3 policy
Jan de Groot
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Jan de Groot
- [arch-general] Out dated packages in extra - What to do ?
Jan de Groot
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Jan de Groot
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Jan de Groot
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Sam Gwydir
- [arch-general] Tool to stop and start services? (Don't Panic)
Øyvind Heggstad
- [arch-general] new arch user, questions about package management
Dave Heistand
- [arch-general] new arch user, questions about package management
Dave Heistand
- [arch-general] new arch user, questions about package management
Dave Heistand
- [arch-general] new arch user, questions about package management
Dave Heistand
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Johannes Held
- [arch-general] Firebug FF extension won't upgrade with FF3.0
Johannes Held
- [arch-general] [gcc-4.3] segfault when runnung -O3 compiled c++ code
Johannes Held
- [arch-general] Problem with Transient resolver failure with pacman (Don't Panic)
Nigel Henry
- [arch-general] Problem with Transient resolver failure with pacman (Don't Panic)
Nigel Henry
- [arch-general] Problem starting vsftpd service. (Don't Panic)
Nigel Henry
- [arch-general] Problem starting vsftpd service. (Don't Panic)
Nigel Henry
- [arch-general] gdm not found when booting into runlevel 5
Nigel Henry
- [arch-general] gdm not found when booting into runlevel 5
Nigel Henry
- [arch-general] Firefox 3 on latest update of Don't Panic question
Nigel Henry
- [arch-general] GTK applications can not remember their last position
Dennis Herbrich
- [arch-general] new arch user, questions about package management
Dennis Herbrich
- [arch-general] Problems with mounting linux partition with gid
Dennis Herbrich
- [arch-general] ion3 policy
Leandro Inacio
- [arch-general] GTK applications can not remember their last position
Biru Ionut
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] maintainers wanted
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] initscripts 2008.05-1
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Azureus
Lukáš Jirkovský
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
- [arch-general] Arch Linux Turkish Community Announcement
- [arch-general] Arch Linux Turkish Community Announcement
- [arch-general] Arch Linux Turkish Community Announcement
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] maintainers wanted
- [arch-general] Dropping lots of packages
Vesa Kaihlavirta
- [arch-general] resurrecting srcpac
Michael Klier
- [arch-general] resurrecting srcpac
Michael Klier
- [arch-general] resurrecting srcpac
Michael Klier
- [arch-general] [gcc-4.3] segfault when runnung -O3 compiled c++ code
A. Klitzing
- [arch-general] [gcc-4.3] segfault when runnung -O3 compiled c++ code
A. Klitzing
- [arch-general] system call numbers on amd64
Michael Krauss
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Azureus
Ondřej Kučera
- [arch-general] How do I configure my webcamera?
Roman Kyrylych
- [arch-general] should gawk be in group base-devel?
Roman Kyrylych
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Roman Kyrylych
- [arch-general] Dealing with Info documentation
Roman Kyrylych
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Simo Leone
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Simo Leone
- [arch-general] Firefox 3
Simo Leone
- [arch-general] Firefox 3 on latest update of Don't Panic question
Simo Leone
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Repo cleanup / Package adoption
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Repo cleanup / Package adoption
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Repo cleanup / Package adoption
- [arch-general] ion3 policy
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
- [arch-general] Out dated packages in extra - What to do ?
- [arch-general] Out dated packages in extra - What to do ?
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] cleaned-up apache package
- [arch-general] GTK applications can not remember their last position
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
John K Masters
- [arch-general] speakers don't turn off when headphones inserted
Sébastien Mazy
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
Dan McGee
- [arch-general] new arch user, questions about package management
Dan McGee
- [arch-general] Arch Linux Turkish Community Announcement
Dan McGee
- [arch-general] Arch Linux Turkish Community Announcement
Dan McGee
- [arch-general] Arch Linux Turkish Community Announcement
Dan McGee
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Dan McGee
- [arch-general] AUR Tarball format (makepkg --source)
Allan McRae
- [arch-general] ion3 policy
Jeff Mickey
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Jeff Mickey
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Jeffrey Parke
- [arch-general] Dealing with Info documentation
Frédéric Perrin
- [arch-general] Dealing with Info documentation
Frédéric Perrin
- [arch-general] Dealing with Info documentation
Frédéric Perrin
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
Joe Phantom
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Arvid Ephraim Picciani
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Arvid Ephraim Picciani
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Arvid Ephraim Picciani
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Arvid Ephraim Picciani
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Arvid Ephraim Picciani
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Arvid Ephraim Picciani
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Arvid Ephraim Picciani
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Sergej Pupykin
- [arch-general] http://www.archlinux.org/about is outdated
Sergej Pupykin
- [arch-general] ion3 policy
Sergej Pupykin
- [arch-general] ion3 policy
Sergej Pupykin
- [arch-general] usb keyboard and mouse
Sergej Pupykin
- [arch-general] usb keyboard and mouse
Sergej Pupykin
- [arch-general] network manager cannot connect to AP with a hidden ssid
James Rayner
- [arch-general] Archlinux Gaming Repository
James Rayner
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Davide Lo Re
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Davide Lo Re
- [arch-general] Xen for Arch Linux
- [arch-general] Xen for Arch Linux - Update 1
- [arch-general] Will Firefox 3 be brought into extra ?
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] initscripts 2008.05-1
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] filesystem-2008.06-1
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] filesystem-2008.06-1
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
- [arch-general] apache-/httpd-config files (was: [arch-dev-public] cleaned-up apache package)
- [arch-general] [gcc-4.3] segfault when runnung -O3 compiled c++ code
- [arch-general] Need to mount 2nd SATA drive
- [arch-general] [gcc-4.3] segfault when runnung -O3 compiled c++ code
Hannes Rist
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
Antonio de la Rosa
- [arch-general] SSH Keys
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] gdm not found when booting into runlevel 5
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Package file lists?
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Package file lists?
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Firefox 3
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Package file lists?
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Package file lists?
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Package file lists?
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Package file lists?
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Firebug FF extension won't upgrade with FF3.0
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Firebug FF extension won't upgrade with FF3.0
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] Firebug FF extension won't upgrade with FF3.0
David Rosenstrauch
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] maintainers wanted
Giovanni Scafora
- [arch-general] should gawk be in group base-devel?
Aaron Schaefer
- [arch-general] kernel vga setting problems
Aaron Schaefer
- [arch-general] Can't boot from /usr on LVM
Michael Schmarck
- [arch-general] Can't boot from /usr on LVM
Michael Schmarck
- [arch-general] Arch-graphics unofficial repository
Michael Schmarck
- [arch-general] Dealing with Info documentation
Ryan Sims
- [arch-general] Dealing with Info documentation
Ryan Sims
- [arch-general] X errors...
Ryan Sims
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] maintainers wanted
Ryan Sims
- [arch-general] Setup bluetooth without GUI?
Guus Snijders
- [arch-general] Setup bluetooth without GUI?
Guus Snijders
- [arch-general] kernel vga setting problems
Ian Snow
- [arch-general] Eclipse won't start any more
Juergen Starek
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] maintainers wanted
R. Dale Thomas
- [arch-general] speakers don't turn off when headphones inserted
Scott Weisman
- [arch-general] should gawk be in group base-devel?
Travis Willard
- [arch-general] new arch user, questions about package management
- [arch-general] Can we use the "Firefox" name?
- [arch-general] new arch user, questions about package management
- [arch-general] new arch user, questions about package management
- [arch-general] Can't boot from /usr on LVM
Jesse Young
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
- [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems
- [arch-general] srcpac (issues/fixes) was: ressurrecting srcpac
chi at chimeric.de
- [arch-general] usb keyboard and mouse
solsTiCe d'Hiver
- [arch-general] xen modules missing
bilan at leet.la
- [arch-general] Miro broken after xulrunner update
alec.hussey at madsoft.org
- [arch-general] X errors...
- [arch-general] network manager cannot connect to AP with a hidden ssid
- [arch-general] AUR Tarball format (makepkg --source)
Last message date:
Mon Jun 30 22:44:29 EDT 2008
Archived on: Wed Dec 3 15:50:57 EST 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).