[arch-general] Latest NVIDIA en kernel update

Manne Merak mannemerak at gmail.com
Fri Apr 23 16:00:08 CEST 2010

On 04/23/2010 03:35 PM, Patrick Baumgart wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 23.04.2010, 11:07 +0200 schrieb Manne Merak:
>> On 04/23/2010 09:19 AM, Robert Howard wrote:
>>> Works fine here. KDE4.4+Compiz with a pair of GTX 295's. Can't tell any
>>> difference between new and old.
>>> On Apr 23, 2010 2:32 AM, "Manne Merak"<mannemerak at gmail.com>   wrote:
>>> I see there are some discussions going on the nvidia, KDE and arch forums
>>> about the performance of KDE 4.4 and latest nvidia driver, no results yet as
>>> I can see.
>>> My current setup with 190.53 works fast and snappy (no special xorg param);
>>> but updating to anything later drops performance by a factor, so I resisted
>>> upgrading nvidia.  Now with the latest kernel update I cannot keep the
>>> 190.53 driver.
>>> Anyone have a solution for performance tweaking the latest KDE and nvidia
>>> combo?  (I dont want to get too out of sync with the updates).
>>> Manne
>> Yes, it is a KDE rendering problem.  Compiz works fine, so could be a
>> possibility if all else fails.
>> Manne
> I have updated to 195.36.15-2. And many things got quite worse.
> I have no idea where to search for details or find out why it is going
> sooo slow in some programs. But it happened.
> I can't use an older driver because of kernel. And so I have to live
> with worse performance until next driver update.
> For Example: I play Tibia. normaly I got a Framerate of at least 50 fps
> and much more. Now it stucks on 15fps. And so are some other programs.
> But, like I allready told, I have no idea how to debug more about this
> thing.
> Another one: I also have in mind that glxgears, started without
> parameters on default size, gets me around 45000 fps and now it has
> abouot 15000 fps.
> Baumi

I did an update and it was not that bad - small performance hit - but 
not big enough to go back to Compiz.
Wow, 45000fps, what card are you using?  I get 1800fps with my 8600M GT 
and Kwin effects enabled, my Dell is getting old!


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