[arch-general] We want to help

Tomás Acauan Schertel tschertel at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 13:39:01 EST 2010

You've done a great job Anthony. Your app is a all-in-one!
Our focus is (was) create a better AUR, with new features and using
other platform (from php to django). I think your focus is a little
different, isn't?

Tomás A. Schertel
Linux Registered User #304838
Arch Linux User

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 16:23, C Anthony Risinger <anthony at extof.me> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 12:12 PM, C Anthony Risinger <anthony at extof.me> wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 7:14 AM, Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org> wrote:
>>>>  * git://ius.student.utwente.nl/aur2 -- Thralas's repository
>>>>  * git://git.berlios.de/aur2 -- Djszapi's repository
>>>>  * git://github.com/SpeedVin/aur2.git -- SpeedVin's AUR2 forked repo
>>>> with some patches and translation's.
>>> I'll add "AUR3" to the mix... -
>>> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=99839
>> i haven't made any release or update to BBS (or README :-) in some
>> time, but a fair amount of work + thought has gone into this.  if
>> you'd like, check out the 'pmvc-refactor' branch here:
>> https://github.com/extofme/aur-pyjs/tree/pmvc-refactor
>> it will be the path forward, and is based on the lightweight puremvc
>> framework to add a little sanity.  i encourage you to take a look, as
>> the code is remarkably small, fast, free of any HTML/compatibility
>> nuances, but still leverages the full power of the most advanced GUI
>> available... a web browser, an excellent language... python, and a
>> competent widget library based on GWT.  it's a fully client side
>> javascript (or python-DOM) application requiring nothing from the
>> server (or a local daemon...) other than JSON-RPC endpoints, which can
>> be implemented in any language.
>> the entire GUI is reusable in desktop mode (python bindings to DOM).
>> everything is hot pluggable at runtime, right down to the core and
>> shell.  users will in time be able to make any layout change they
>> wish.  the slight stagnation on this project is only due to me working
>> on pyjamas itself to support runtime hot-loading of python modules via
>> AJAX... ie. variable/conditional imports... to enable dependency
>> injection (of AUR modules), [more] efficient bootstrap and runtime,
>> and other dynamicisms.
>> currently, local PKGBUILD database expected to be dulwich/git based,
>> to easily support forking/etc of PKGBUILDs, but im also considering
>> couchdb (the couchdb python API could be ported to pyjs... then i
>> could make parallel databases calls via iframe proxies DIRECTLY from
>> the browser!!). the ultimate idea is a distributed AUR.
>> im not in a hurry to complete it, as i have some far reaching goals,
>> but it is very much active and open for input.  in short, this message
>> is a shameless self-promotion, but i believe the approach holds more
>> potential than existing solutions, simpler extensibility, and a lower
>> barrier of entry to non web/HTML/CSS/Javascript/.../.../... (have you
>> ever wrote a good webapp before? sheesh...) developers.
> oops i forgot to mention an interesting thing ill be adding soon...
> i managed to integrate the google translate API into pyjs, so i can
> make translation calls.  the idea will be to dynamically determine the
> users language at runtime and translate everything on the fly,
> comments and all.  i want users to be able to write comments etc. in
> their native language (and be stored this way), and everyone still
> able to read each other.  as i unfortunately can only speak english
> (curse you USA grade school system!), i can't speak for other langs,
> but the google translation works very well for conversion to english,
> far more than enough to understand the text... i even managed to set
> up a CNAME in DNS with a spanish CSR/company once, using translation
> on the fly :-)
> also, instead of git/couchdb, im also considering using the local
> database of HTML5, which is sqlite3 based i believe, though i'm not as
> sure the limitations here.  the benefit is that it keeps everything in
> the bowser, making the AUR fully self contained and able to run as an
> offline app.
> C Anthony

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