[arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [extra] repository cleanup

Heiko Baums lists at baums-on-web.de
Wed Nov 17 20:22:30 CET 2010

Am Thu, 18 Nov 2010 02:01:11 +0800
schrieb Ng Oon-Ee <ngoonee at gmail.com>:

> And Gan Lu, I'm not sure which thread you've been following, but Heiko
> specifically references something along the lines of "I may as well go
> back to Gentoo".

Have you really read only this half sentence? Or have you read all my
arguments? And did you understand what I've written?

And such half sentences shouldn't be taken out of context. This was
definitely not whining. And I wasn't talking about "MY" packages. I was
talking in general and objectively. And I've also written that I'm not
using all these packages I mentioned.

And am I not allowed to saying my opinion anymore? And are devs always
right? Or make devs sometimes also mistakes?

And, yes, - I've also already written this - I am contributing to Arch
Linux even if I'm not a dev or TU. I don't have many, but some packages
in AUR and worked on a Wiki page about one of these packages. So I know
what maintaining a package means.


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