[arch-general] What can be deleted, when not using systemd - was: polkit package upgrade patch

Leonid Isaev lisaev at umail.iu.edu
Sat Aug 11 12:17:41 EDT 2012

On Sat, 11 Aug 2012 09:59:54 -0400
Baho Utot <baho-utot at columbus.rr.com> wrote:

> On 08/11/2012 09:30 AM, Tom Gundersen wrote:
> [putolin]
> > I think there is no interest (upstream) in trying to make systemd 
> > optional forever, so this is a concern you are probably right about. 
> > However, the suggestions of what might be merged show that you are 
> > either joking or don't know these projects well. At some point parts 
> > of dbus will move into the kernel (so that is something to troll about 
> > I guess). -t 
> One thing that the folks/upstream that are merging all these things 
> together is missing is that the future of "user" computer is moving to 
> phones and ipad type devices.  PC will still be around but the consumer 
> has spoken and it looks like he/she is moving to these devices.  I don't 
> condemn them for doing so as they want something that works.  Turn it on 
> and get what they want done, PCs don't do this.

Smartphones, tablets and i* devices are toys. Have you ever tried to compile
Android/openWebOS? Or openwrt for a router? Or even ArchlinuxARM? They is not
nearly as flexible as PCs. Sure, if all you need from a computer is a
means for posting crap on facebook, then consumers are right. Just because
these mobile/embedded devices are hyped doesn't mean they own the future.

Besides, systemd, PA, dbus are quite natural for embedded devices. For
instance, Palm has been using PA in their devices since first versions, and
quite successfully.

> How are/would these giant concoctions going to play here as they don't 
> have the storage, memory, or cpu to handle this.  The direction should 
> be going in the tool kit style as in here's the kernel and you can bolt 
> on all of these independent things. Something like android?

Mobile phones like samsung galaxies have dual core Cortex A10 (?) and LG
Tmobile GX (at least in the US) runs on quadcore Nvidia tegra. That's more
processing power than my previous laptop.

Leonid Isaev
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