[arch-general] What can be deleted, when not using systemd - was: polkit package upgrade patch

Joakim Hernberg jbh at alchemy.lu
Sun Aug 12 19:17:07 EDT 2012

On Mon, 13 Aug 2012 01:05:25 +0200
Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net> wrote:

> Until now even this isn't an issue, since AFAIK only GNOME for Arch
> insists on pulseaudio. But this might change. People for good reasons
> chose some distro.

I think if Gnome has a hard dependency on PA, there isn't anything Arch
can do about it...  Patching upstream sources isn't the Archway...
Otherwise it ought to be an optdepend, but making it optional it it's
needed by a package would probably be a bad idea...

Seems to me that either you need to stop using Gnome, or write the
needed patches to make PA optional.  I guess a 3:rd option would be to
fix what is broken in PA...:)

Let's hope Arch stays the way it was, where more or less everything is
optional and you can design your own system exactly as you want it!



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