[arch-general] Totem segfaulting on start on a fully up-to-date archlinux with testing enabled.

solsTiCe d'Hiver solstice.dhiver at gmail.com
Sat Jun 16 07:24:34 EDT 2012

Le samedi 16 juin 2012 à 19:36 +0900, Vladimir Lomov a écrit :
> IMHO, the minimal steps to use new NVIDIA driver are
> 1. shutdown X system;
> 2. logout as usual user and login as root;
> 3. unload nvidia (kernel) module;
> 4. load new nvidia (kernel) module;
> 5. start X system.

Are you sure you don't need to run some udev related command like
udevadm ?

Because last time I tried something like you said it didn't work

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