[arch-general] Openstack keystone

Andy Pieters Pieters.Andy.Mailing at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 13:51:51 EDT 2012


On 11 September 2012 15:35, Krzysztof Warzecha <kwarzecha7 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I downloaded and installed keystone under virtualenv (sorry, I will
> not use your pkgbuild, I always use virtualenv and don't want to
> install any python modules systemwide):
> [snip]
> And it seems here to work fine (it starts http server on,
> I can connect to it, etc). There is no module named server in
> installed files, could you provide more info? With full output message
> and traceback, etc?
> --
> Krzysztof Warzecha
Thank you for your help, that actually does work. Shows my ignorance of
Python. Could you tell me what the implications are of using this under
virtualenv. Does it mean that they keystone-all and keystone-manage tools
will be available system wide? Can you think of other implications of using
virtualenv to run Openstack in/under?

I have also attached the full trace I get when I try to run keystone-all
when built by myself.

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