[arch-general] arch-general Digest, Vol 139, Issue 14

Information Technology Works info at itwrx.org
Tue May 17 16:11:08 UTC 2016

On 05/17/2016 07:00 AM, arch-general-request at archlinux.org wrote:
> In the past there has been various (performance) reasons with gcc5 that
> hold up stepping further, so the decision was to not backport gcc6
> patches and wait for gcc6 so arrive. Fortunately gcc6 arrived so the
> topic landed again on the tables for discussion. The current state is
> that we wanted to have some benchmarking with current (non-PIE) and PIE
> enabled binaries to compare them and make sure it eliminated all
> previous concerns.
> If you want to to really help pushing this topic in an official way then
> the most useful and best step you could do is helping out to do those
> benchmarks.
> cheers,
> Levente
ohh, ok. that makes sense. I would be glad to benchmark as many packages
as needed, assuming someone doesn't mind telling me how it needs to be



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