[arch-general] [Xfce-terminal] Cannot remove entries from history

Ralph Corderoy ralph at inputplus.co.uk
Fri Jan 11 10:46:42 UTC 2019

Hi Peter,

> > Does it gain new lines at the bottom as you enter commands in a
> > terminal?  Or only when the terminal exits?  Do those lines include
> > test ones that you've deleted?
> Yes, thank You, Ralph. Indeed, I forgot about that, as I'm usually not
> changing that. IMHO it's nevertheless a bad concept those removed
> commands are still stored inside this file. In my case, the problem
> was my sudo password, which I accidently typed in because sudo timeout
> had not yet been reached.

If I open a terminal for a new bash and enter

    echo 1
    echo 2
    echo 3

and then `history -d ...' so `history' shows `echo 2' is missing and
there's a gap in the history numbering, the .bash_history written when I
exit bash does *not* include the deleted `echo 2' line.

So either you didn't delete your password line(s), or something else is
going on and my tests above were probing what.  :-)

Cheers, Ralph.

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