[arch-mirrors] [loli.forsale] Arch Linux Mirror Question

Midov midov at midov.pl
Tue Jul 25 06:11:35 UTC 2017

> Dear Florian Pritz,
>         Thank you for bringing to my attention the plight of the
> young
> maiden by the username of lemma to remove the domain from the
> official
> public list of mirrors Arch Linux maintains as to not offend her
> friends,
> who I assume contribute a lot for the Arch Linux project. I am sure a
> lot of
> time was invested during the investigation for formal complaints, and
> a lot
> of work needed to be done to ensure the professional image of Arch in
> the
> F.L.O.S.S. community could be maintained. 
>         The last thing we want is to offend anyone, let alone
> longtime user
> who's read our mailing list and IRC logs be scared of what a server
> or
> distro is named for, instead of what the code instructs a machine to
> do. So
> I respect the decision to inform me before any action was taken to
> remedy
> the situation in a prompt manner. Because of this respect, I have a
> question
> I would like answered if you could be so kind to ponder for me:
> What does it take to remove all forms of free speech, before it
> doesn't
> matter to anyone at all?
> Please, do ponder that. Take your time. Don't worry about me, and the
> I'm building in Portugal to maintain Free Software projects, and
> users with
> the same kind of principle. Heed no attention to the time I dedicated
> to not
> only host the servers at the ISP, but the expenses on my behalf to
> maintain
> them even against some of the most demanding of jobs, like working
> for the
> National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Please don't worry
> about
> _me_, and the valuable time it took me find a representative to
> formally
> reply on my behalf as professionally as possible (I have autism, my
> response
> would have been incoherent if not for the professional help). Worry
> about
> the users that will be eventually be banned because their thoughts
> offended
> someone they do not know. For them alone will judge how a distro is
> seen.
> My only hope, if possible, would be if lemma could contact me
> instead, and
> asked why the domain exists in the first place, instead of demand
> that it be
> removed from a list of alternative mirrors she could have gotten the
> same
> software from. Plenty of other mirrors could be _offensive_ to anyone
> else,
> but mines had to be the one to offend someone the most.
> So with that hope in mind, I ask one favor, even if my domain should
> get
> barred from arch forever:
> Could you keep a list of alternative domains not deemed safe for
> work, but
> still mirrors for Arch?
> Imagine if others were to host Arch, let's say on an OpenNic domain,
> or an
> onion address, would those get deemed Not Safe Work too? 
> Maybe I'll register CIAloves2.divideandconqu.er to make it more
> palatable.
> Have a pleasurable understanding,
> Alucard

I for one would download all my shit from cute loli mirror.
Triggered feminists have no place on the free internet, let them go
back to their censored safe spaces.
Thanks for your attention.
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