[arch-projects] AUR 2 git repository

eliott eliott at cactuswax.net
Tue Sep 18 11:21:59 EDT 2007

On 9/17/07, Georg Grabler <ggrabler at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, if i remember right, somebody already offered you a git repository on
> projects.archlinux.org.

That was mostly as an 'upstream' repository for submitting changes for
the current AUR.
If we need a centralized git repo for aur2 work, then I can probably
swing something, but it wouldn't be something quickly done. The
projects infrastructure is not set up for non-dev remote write access.

> If the choice falls onto archlinux-projects, for a git repository you'd
> might have to wait a week (or till the weekend), since i start my two week
> vacation then, where i have enough time to get around this.
> I've never set up git before (and didn't read closer yet), and therefore it
> will take much more time than setting up a svn server (which is already
> running on http://svn.archlinux-projects.org/repos, since i
> received the domains archlinux-projects.org and stiat.net today, and moved
> my blog to blog.stiat.net ).
>  Currently, i'm on the task of migrating data from the old, to the new
> server, as well as i'm still looking for a cms which fits my needs. I've
> already tried about 5 cms, but all of them were quite overloaded or just not
> really the best choice for a seroius information page, or just had major
> flaws.

Just a suggestion. Don't spend too much time on choosing a CMS.
I say slap a blog engine up and call it good enough for now.

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