[aur-general] [arch-dev-public] Please stop the install message insanity

Pierre Chapuis catwell at archlinux.us
Wed Jul 30 03:58:01 EDT 2008

Le Wed, 30 Jul 2008 03:28:35 +0000,
"Abhishek Dasgupta" <abhidg at gmail.com> a écrit :

> If a package really has to give an install msg which pertains
> to some other package then it should first check if that
> package exists (pacman -Q ... is it possible to call pacman
> from within the post install scripts?), and then print it out.

A workaround would be to check if a specific file exists, or  if something is in PATH. I use something like that in one of my AUR packages (LTSA) :

  which mc > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then


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