[aur-general] AUR "Jamie" account

Farhan Yousaf farhany at xaviya.com
Tue Oct 13 14:28:40 EDT 2009

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Xyne <xyne at archlinux.ca> wrote:

> > IMO if Jamie wants to have the AUR username he should just contact the
> other
> > account holder (if the e-mail is publically available anyway). I don't
> see
> > any reason to take action, there are enough alphanumeric combinations
> left.
> >
> > Ronald
> Hmmm. I was about to say that I still don't agree because the AUR
> account is only for uploading & maintaing packages and voting, but I
> just realized that I hadn't taken comments into account. The user may
> have actually posted some comments.
> I still maintain that there is no point in keeping accounts that have
> never been used for anything. It's clutter in the database and on the
> disk. It's like drawing a line in the sand on a beach and then leaving
> without ever coming back. If someone else wants that spot, I don't
> think it should be permanently off-limits because someone might show up
> months or years later and say "hey, that's my spot".
> Anyway, with the realization about comments and the overall direction
> of this discussion, I think think I have my answer. I'll let
> forum-Jamie know.

My two cents worth say that if another user wants the spot which was never
used nor were any comments posted, then it ought to be OK to release to
another person that does want it. Of course, this may generate extra
administration, but if we have volunteers that want to do it, then I don't
see why not.


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