[aur-general] Quality

Philipp Überbacher hollunder at lavabit.com
Mon Aug 23 05:49:59 EDT 2010

One more pick, jackie:

- wrong upstream URL
- i686 only?
- makedepends=('make' 'gcc' 'pkgconfig')
- PREFIX="/usr" twice?
- || return 1

And just to mention one more thing: check the licenses, they are often
wrong. Not in this case, and I forgot to check with the previous ones,
but in general people tend to get them wrong. There is some page on the
wiki that helps you translate the pacman string to human readable. GPL
afaik translates to GPL2, GPL2 to GPL2 only or something..
but I'm never sure about that stuff.

"Wir stehen selbst enttäuscht und sehn betroffen / Den Vorhang zu
und alle Fragen offen." Bertolt Brecht, Der gute Mensch von Sezuan

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