[aur-general] TU Application - György Balló

Angel Velásquez angvp at archlinux.org
Fri Mar 2 08:22:46 EST 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 02/03/12 10:06, Heiko Baums wrote:
> Am Fri, 02 Mar 2012 07:11:21 -0500 schrieb Stéphane Gaudreault
> <stephane at archlinux.org>:
>> STOP.
>> Heiko, you had the chance to express you opinion about this 
>> application (and you did it in a totally inappropiate way).
> I didn't do it in a inappropriate way. I did it in a factual way
> and explained why I am concerned and what was going wrong.
> I even said that I probably do him wrong with some of my
> questions. Nevertheless it's fact that this package couldn't be
> built. You can't argue it away.
> It was some other people who thought to need to offend me in an 
> inappropriate way. So they get an adequate answer.
>> REPEAT: Please stop such nonconstructive messages.
> Sorry, but my concerns aren't nonconstructive. But as the question,
> so the answer.
> Stop offending me, discuss in a factual way with me and you will
> get factual answers from me.
> If I'm so wrong with my concerns then explain it to me. I only got 
> answers like "grow up", "AUR helpers are not officially supported"
> even if split packages are not supported, neither officially nor 
> unofficially, by AUR, "Wow, I never seen somebody who maintains so
> many packages" etc.
> Quantity is not the same as quality, btw.
> Give factual reasons why his packages are so good and I'm so wrong,
> and everything is good. Otherwise think if he is really that good
> and trustworthy resp. that his knowledge is already good enough.
> E.g. explain to me why a package needs to have two completely
> different depends arrays one also with a "true &&" before. For me
> this looks like bad packaging, sorry.
> Btw., I didn't want to say that he personally is not trustworthy.
> But I'm not sure if he has sufficient knowledge, yet.
> Heiko


I've always had several discussions with you, now Gaetan, and many
people seems to have disagree with your opinion.

A personal advice is when so much people are saying that you're wrong
at least try to think about it and try to put on the otherside of the

Gyorgy have good skills, and you personally are nothing to say that he
doesn't have it, are you a TU? Dev? were you a Fellow, I don't
remember on those sides, so please, stop complaining, start
contributing, if you can't do this, then you will be remembered always
like the noising user who like to break our balls.

Now please let continue with Gyorgy's application.

- -- 
Angel Velásquez
angvp @ irc.freenode.net
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