[aur-general] Merge packages

Hilton Medeiros medeiros.hilton at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 13:31:58 EST 2013

On 01/18/2013 03:20 PM, Jonathan Arnold wrote:
> I was the maintainer for the ttf-source-code-pro package and noticed
> that Adobe had started to put both the OTF and the TTF together in the
> same zip file, so I figured it would be okay to install both. 
> Further investigation tells me that some apps only want to use TTF,
> while most will use OTF if it is there or TTF otherwise. However, I was
> not able to uncover what happens if both are there and which one an app
> might use or even how to tell an app to use one instead of the other.
> Or if it makes any difference.
> As they are released simultaneously in the same file, it is easier to
> keep one package up to date. And I did ask on the otf package if it
> would be okay and/or better to just combine them. But if there is a
> sound techical reason for having 2 different packages, we could go back
> to that easily enough.

Thanks for the response. I would be glad if we could rollback this, as I
wouldn't like to see more ttf and otf fonts being packaged together, as
I believe it is pointless to install both together. They get registered
with the same name and we can't make sure which one will be used on each

I never saw an application having problems with otf fonts and it is very
easy anyway to maintain split ttf and otf packages. So my "sound
technical reason" is that I would rather know for sure which file format
is being used when I select the font name in any application.

If you mean "sound technical reason" between using otf instead of ttf,
searching around I found these:


Thank you.

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