[aur-general] Corrected package ekeyd ready for AUR

Thomas Preissler thomas at preissler.co.uk
Tue Feb 11 19:28:35 EST 2014

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 01:20:08PM +0100, carstene1ns wrote:
> Please change the dep to lua51 and try to compile and use it again.
> It is impossible to do for most of us, because we do not have that
> special device.

I have made the modifications suggested by Doug and by yourself and the
latest version is attached.
I was not sure how I should put the patching the current maintainer is
doing as part of build() function into a separate function.

I tested it on a server, ie. ekeyd & egd-linux running, but also for
a client with only the egd-linux running.
So I provided now two .service files.



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