[aur-general] PKGBUILD Critique

stef204 stef204 at yandex.com
Wed Feb 11 10:38:43 UTC 2015

10.02.2015, 22:22, "Florian Bruhin" <me at the-compiler.org>:

> Some more remarks:
> - Is it really a good idea to check /etc/locale.conf? Wouldn't
>   something like   [[ ${LANG,,} == *utf-8* ]]   be more appropriate?

I don't know.  Is it?
Is $LANG set automatically or all arch users will have that set for sure?
Does it take precedence over /etc/locale.conf ? (Or does it read it from there?)

I'm open to suggestions as to which way to best do this; see my reply to David as well, with regards to why this even needs to be checked.

>   (the ,, converts it to lower-case, see
>   http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/pe#case_modification )
> - I'd move the 'cd' in line 32 to the top of package() and remove the
>   second one in line 35, but that's just a small style issue

OK, I cleaned up the style.

And, so far, I followed the suggestion:

if grep -qi 'utf-*8' /etc/locale.conf; then

(Ignore line 21 for now, will remove it later).

@everyone i this thread:

Here is revised (cleaned up) version:


Thanks for any additional feedback, as needed.

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