[aur-general] Trusted User application

m4sk1n at vivaldi.net m4sk1n at vivaldi.net
Thu Mar 16 21:02:20 UTC 2017

 I'm Marcin Mikołajczak (on AUR 'm4sk1n') and I would like to become Arch User Repository Trusted User.
 I was born in Poland in 2001. I am Arch Linux user for about one year. I have recommended it to some people, a lot of them have switched from Windows to Manjaro. I understand bash scripting. Now I spend a lot of time on learning C++. Currently I'm maintainer of 5 packages in AUR and I can take care of more of them. The current ones are 'xnots-git', 'otter-browser-weekly', 'otter-browser-git' and two Xfce components (git checkout). I'm working on Polish translations of some open source projects (like Xfce, WINE, Otter Browser...). Of source I know how to use Git.
 My main non-technical interest is music, mainly electronic.
 If I become a TU I would like to push 'otter-browser' package to [community] repo. I would also adopt some packages, maybe music-related?
 Best way to contact me is IRC (freenode, as m4sk1n, I'm on 'arch-linux', 'arch-linux-aur' and 'arch-linux-newbie').
 That's all, thanks for reading it,
Best regards,

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