[aur-general] Custom arch repository

Manuel Reimer manuel.reimer at gmx.de
Wed Aug 14 17:11:29 UTC 2019

On 14.08.19 16:01, asm0dey via aur-general wrote:
> I've found way to publish built packages to github pages, but it's
> absolutely not enough to just put them somewhere. It looks like
> repository should have some predefined structure, maybe index files and
> so on. Any ideas on where I can find them?

If you have a lot of packages and want to simplify your work a bit, then
you could use a tool I've written to create some of my repositories:


You can manage your PKGBUILD structure in whatever way you like in a GIT
repo (or locally but I prefer to have them on GIT):


The repo-make controlling is done with just one file in this repo:


The whole list is then auto-built without any user interaction and
results in a working repository. This means also that dependencies are
auto-installed to the system repo-make runs on, so you absolutely should
have a dedicated virtual machine for this.

For vdr4arch we have a build server which uses repo-make in an Arch
docker container. It autobuilds the packages whenever something on the
GIT server changes.


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