[pacman-dev] ldconfig

Alex Smith alex at alex-smith.me.uk
Wed Apr 4 06:27:51 EDT 2007

Nagy Gabor wrote:
> Some notes for the last idea. Because of install scripts we may need to
> run ldconfig after a package install/removal (glibc for example?)
> otherwise we couldn't run other packages' install scripts. So at
> least 3 options needed for "needldconfig" (0: not needed, 1: needed at
> the and of transaction, 2: needed after install/removal (default) for
> example).
> Here I mention, that many packagers forget about adding packages to
> dependency list which is needed for their install script (see jre for
> example: it uses grep in its install script, however it doesn't depend
> on grep.)

What's the point? In most cases ldconfig is needed. All this would cause 
is headaches for packagers and headaches for the pacman developers. Say, 
for example, the detection didn't detect that you need an ldconfig. That 
introduces bugs because Joe User installs that package which was 
uploaded to the repo, and finds that it won't work because it can't find 
a library. That means that both his time and developer's time will be 
wasted in fixing and testing the issue.


Alex Smith
Frugalware Linux developer - http://www.frugalware.org

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