[pacman-dev] [PATCH] 2nd attempt at: Fixed untranslated entries in Swedish translation

Tobias Eriksson tobier at tobier.se
Thu Sep 2 23:47:43 EDT 2010


These are all valid points, at the time of the writing they all sounded OK
to me but now some just sound ridiculous :P I'll blame it on the late hour
and lack of sleep. I was planning looking over the fuzzies anyways, and it
looks like I introduced a couple myself ;)

- Tobias

> On 2010-09-03 00:09 +0200 (35:5)
> Tobias Eriksson wrote:
>> Hi list!
>> I botched the last patch, but now it should be correct and applies
>> cleanly.
>> I looked over the Swedish translation of pacman, and wrote translations
>> for the untranslated entries. There are 401 translated entries, 41 fuzzy
>> and 0 untranslated. I'll get to fixing the fuzzy ones when I get the
>> time.
> Hi,
> A few notes and suggestions:
> * You've used "packet" in some places instead of "paket".
> * "The mirror '%s' would be the address of the server, so "Förrådet
> '%s'"
>   sounds strange to me. Maybe "Webbadressen '%s'" would be a more natural
>   translation?
> * "är definerad" -> "har definerats"?
> * "är i konflikt" -> "är oförenliga"?
> * "Installerar %s paketgrupp med %s -U..." -> "Installerar paketgruppen %s
> med
>   %s -U..." (both word order and use of definite form)
> * ""efterfrågade paket %s" -> "efterfrågade paketet %s"? (and "paket x"
> ->
>   "paketet x" elsewhere in that case)
> Please don't take this as criticism. I know that it can be difficult to
> find a
> natural translation, especially with limited context. Adding to the
> difficulty,
> English technical terminology is readily used and understood without
> translation and thus sometimes there is no "natural translation". It's
> just a
> bit sad that most of it ends up looking like word-for-word online
> translations
> or lazy "svengelska" (I'm speaking generally here, not about your patch).
> Before anyone tells me to just do it myself:
> a) I think I submitted translations before but they were ignored (not sure
>    though).
> b) I don't use them.
> c) Having a single person translate will only get you a translation full
> of
>    that person's linguistic idiosyncrasies... I am sure that I have many.

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