[pacman-dev] Alternatives system brainstorm

Giancarlo Razzolini grazzolini at archlinux.org
Fri Oct 18 02:10:45 UTC 2019

Em outubro 17, 2019 22:06 Allan McRae escreveu:
> No - this conversation is entire about the alternative system.  We are
> talking about priorities within the alternative system (as implemented
> in other distros).
> E.g. when installing python3 and python2 in the same transaction, which
> one should be symlinked to /usr/bin/python?

Sure, I understood that. But I'm talking about actually implementing a priority system in

> I'm thinking first one installed wins.  It also avoids decisions about
> whether pacman should automatically update alternatives to a higher
> priority package if it gets installed later.

As long pacman has an easy way to set the priorities, I'm fine with this behavior.

Giancarlo Razzolini
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