This was useful to me during development of dm-snapshot support
to create very quickly isos without wating for SquashFS compression.
Is time to remove this, I think the is no practical usage,
and make the code a bit more simple.
Signed-off-by: Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi <vmlinuz386(a)>
README | 8 --------
archiso/hooks/archiso | 8 ++------
archiso/hooks/archiso_pxe_curl | 6 +-----
archiso/mkarchiso | 20 +++++---------------
4 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README b/README
index 53dabd0..9de113d 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -178,10 +178,6 @@ if nothing is specified on command line.
* image-name.fs.sfs SquashFS with only one file inside (image-name.fs),
which is an image of some type of filesystem
(ext4, ext3, ext2, xfs), all files reside on it.
-* image-name.fs Like image-name.fs.sfs but without SquashFS.
- (For testing purposes only. The option copytoram
- for archiso hook does not have any effect on these images)
*** File format for aitab.
@@ -196,7 +192,6 @@ It consists of some fields which define the behaviour of images.
<mnt> Mount point.
<arch> Architecture { i686 | x86_64 | any }.
<sfs_comp> SquashFS compression type { gzip | lzo | xz }.
- A special value of "none" denotes no usage of SquashFS.
<fs_type> Set the filesystem type of the image { ext4 | ext3 | ext2 | xfs }.
A special value of "none" denotes no usage of a filesystem.
In that case all files are pushed directly to SquashFS filesystem.
@@ -207,9 +202,6 @@ It consists of some fields which define the behaviour of images.
This is an estimation, and calculated in a simple way.
Space used + 10% (estimated for metadata overhead) + desired %
-Note: Some combinations are invalid, example: sfs_comp=none and fs_type=none
*** Why the /isolinux and /arch/boot/syslinux directories?
diff --git a/archiso/hooks/archiso b/archiso/hooks/archiso
index e4ed52b..202325f 100644
--- a/archiso/hooks/archiso
+++ b/archiso/hooks/archiso
@@ -213,12 +213,8 @@ archiso_mount_handler() {
[[ "${aitab_img#\#}" != "${aitab_img}" ]] && continue
[[ "${aitab_arch}" != "any" && "${aitab_arch}" != "${arch}" ]] && continue
if [[ "${aitab_fs_type}" != "none" ]]; then
- if [[ "${aitab_sfs_comp}" != "none" ]]; then
- _mnt_sfs "/run/archiso/bootmnt/${archisobasedir}/${aitab_arch}/${aitab_img}.fs.sfs" "/run/archiso/sfs/${aitab_img}"
- _mnt_fs "/run/archiso/sfs/${aitab_img}/${aitab_img}.fs" "${newroot}${aitab_mnt}"
- else
- _mnt_fs "/run/archiso/bootmnt/${archisobasedir}/${aitab_arch}/${aitab_img}.fs" "${newroot}${aitab_mnt}"
- fi
+ _mnt_sfs "/run/archiso/bootmnt/${archisobasedir}/${aitab_arch}/${aitab_img}.fs.sfs" "/run/archiso/sfs/${aitab_img}"
+ _mnt_fs "/run/archiso/sfs/${aitab_img}/${aitab_img}.fs" "${newroot}${aitab_mnt}"
_mnt_sfs "/run/archiso/bootmnt/${archisobasedir}/${aitab_arch}/${aitab_img}.sfs" "${newroot}${aitab_mnt}"
diff --git a/archiso/hooks/archiso_pxe_curl b/archiso/hooks/archiso_pxe_curl
index 27deee9..858bacb 100644
--- a/archiso/hooks/archiso_pxe_curl
+++ b/archiso/hooks/archiso_pxe_curl
@@ -47,11 +47,7 @@ archiso_pxe_curl_mount_handler () {
[[ "${aitab_img#\#}" != "${aitab_img}" ]] && continue
[[ "${aitab_arch}" != "any" && "${aitab_arch}" != "${arch}" ]] && continue
if [[ "${aitab_fs_type}" != "none" ]]; then
- if [[ "${aitab_sfs_comp}" != "none" ]]; then
- _curl_get "${archiso_curl_url}${archisobasedir}/${aitab_arch}/${aitab_img}.fs.sfs" "${archisobasedir}/${aitab_arch}"
- else
- _curl_get "${archiso_curl_url}${archisobasedir}/${aitab_arch}/${aitab_img}.fs" "${archisobasedir}/${aitab_arch}"
- fi
+ _curl_get "${archiso_curl_url}${archisobasedir}/${aitab_arch}/${aitab_img}.fs.sfs" "${archisobasedir}/${aitab_arch}"
_curl_get "${archiso_curl_url}${archisobasedir}/${aitab_arch}/${aitab_img}.sfs" "${archisobasedir}/${aitab_arch}"
diff --git a/archiso/mkarchiso b/archiso/mkarchiso
index fed953e..b3aa5cd 100755
--- a/archiso/mkarchiso
+++ b/archiso/mkarchiso
@@ -363,25 +363,15 @@ command_prepare () {
if [[ ${_aitab_img} =~ ^# ]]; then
- if [[ ${_aitab_sfs_comp} == "none" && ${_aitab_fs_type} == "none" ]]; then
- _msg_error "In aitab, both fields 'sfs_comp' and 'fs_type' are set to none for '${_aitab_img}' image" 1
- fi
local _src="${work_dir}/${_aitab_img}"
local _dst="${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/${_aitab_arch}"
mkdir -p "${_dst}"
if [[ ${_aitab_fs_type} != "none" ]]; then
- if [[ ${_aitab_sfs_comp} != "none" ]]; then
- if _is_directory_changed "${_src}" "${_dst}/${_aitab_img}.fs.sfs"; then
- _mkfs ${_aitab_img} ${_aitab_fs_type} ${_aitab_fs_size}
- _mksfs ${_aitab_img}.fs ${_aitab_sfs_comp}
- mv "${_src}.fs.sfs" "${_dst}"
- rm "${_src}.fs"
- fi
- else
- if _is_directory_changed "${_src}" "${_dst}/${_aitab_img}.fs"; then
- _mkfs ${_aitab_img} ${_aitab_fs_type} ${_aitab_fs_size}
- mv "${work_dir}/${_aitab_img}.fs" "${_dst}"
- fi
+ if _is_directory_changed "${_src}" "${_dst}/${_aitab_img}.fs.sfs"; then
+ _mkfs ${_aitab_img} ${_aitab_fs_type} ${_aitab_fs_size}
+ _mksfs ${_aitab_img}.fs ${_aitab_sfs_comp}
+ mv "${_src}.fs.sfs" "${_dst}"
+ rm "${_src}.fs"
if _is_directory_changed "${_src}" "${_dst}/${_aitab_img}.sfs"; then