I maintain the package dex2jar-git, I took over this (IIRC) orphaned
package a while ago because there was a shell-script bug in the build.
The upstream project seems to have been abandoned. I recently received
information regarding a bug from a user (deltaclock); which I hadn't
noticed this myself due to not updating anything in the past week or so.
I can also reproduce the bug in the package comments. But, I don't know
much about Java things and am not sure what the ideal solution would be.
1. Adding a make dependency on an older gradle version from the AUR.
This seems like the easiest solution but building gradle takes a lot of
resources so it isn't the ideal solution.
2. Adding a patch. It would be nice if an AUR maintainer who is familiar
with Java tools has a patch for this. I would be willing to transfer
ownership to someone who could handle this issue better.
3. File an issue with the upstream. Unlikely to help at all, given there
hasn't been a commit in nearly two years.
Karmanyaah Malhotra