Hi DEVs,
I am trying to cleanup the packages in ours repositories.
The first step is to adopt all packages that are needed by maintained packages.
This is the complete list of orphans packages into [core] and [extra]; in
round brackets you find the maintainer who should adopt the package.
* bridge-utils [needed by archboot (tpowa)]
* filesystem [needed by mkinitcpio (thomas)]
* ipw2100-fw (thomas)
* ipw2200-fw (thomas)
* iwlwifi-3945-ucode (thomas)
* iwlwifi-4965-ucode (thomas)
* iwlwifi-5000-ucode (thomas)
* iwlwifi-5150-ucode (thomas)
* libevent
* libgssglue [needed by archboot, nfs-utils (tpowa)]
* libsasl
* libtirpc [needed by archboot, nfs-utils, rpcbind (tpowa)]
* netcfg
* rfkill [needed by archboot (tpowa)]
* rt2x00-rt61-fw (thomas)
* rt2x00-rt71w-fw (thomas)
* tiacx-firmware (thomas)
* wireless-regdb (thomas)
* 3ddesktop
* aalib [needed by mplayer (ionut), gstreamer0.10-good-plugins (JGC),...]
* abuse
* acct
* acidrip
* afterstep
* agg
* aif (dieter)
* alltray
* anthy [needed by ibus-anthy (Ghost1227)]
* apollon
* arch
* arj
* at [needed by gnome-schedule (ionut)]
* aubio [needed by ardour (tobias)]
* audacious
* audacious-plugins
* aufs2
* auconf2.13
* autofs
* avahi
* bc [needed by some packages in community, move?]
* beep
* bigloo
* biogrep
* biopython
* bitlbee
* bittorrent [needed by archboot (tpowa)]
* blassic
* bomberclone
* bonnie++
* bootchart
* botan
* brltty [needed by orca (JGC)]
* btrfs-progs-unstable [needed by archboot (tpowa)]
* c-ares [needed by aria2 (Ghost1227)]
* came
* ccrtp
* ccscript3
* cdcd
* cddb_get
* cdlabelgen
* cdrdao [needed by brasero (JGC), k3b (tpowa), acetoneiso2 (Ghost1227)]
* cdrkit [needed by brasero (JGC), k3b (tpowa), dvd+rw-tools (Ronald)...]
* cdtool
* cegui
* centerim
* cfitsio
* clamav [needed by archboot (tpowa)]
* cmt
* colortail
* corewars
* cpudyn
* cpufreqd
* crimson
* cssed
* culmus
* cvs
* cvsps
* cx_freeze
* cyrus-sasl
* cyrus-sasl-plugins [needed by mail-notification (JGC)]
* dbh
* devil
* dia
* ding
* distcc
* django
* docbook-xsl [needed by asciidoc (Ghost1227)]
* dssi
* dvdbackup
* eboard
* ed2k-gtk-gui
* eigen
* eject [needed by hal (JGC), oxine (aaron)]
* elinks
* enigma
* etherape
* ethstatus
* evms
* fastjar
* fcgi
* fcitx
* feh
* festival*
* fftw2
* figlet
* flite
* fluidsynth [needed by vlc (giovanni)]
* fox [needed by some packages in community, move?]
* fsarchiver [needed by archboot (tpowa)]
* gcal
* gcdmaster
* gcin
* gcombust
* gdeskcal
* gdesklets
* gdk-pixbuf
* gdome2 [needed by gmetadom (giovanni)]
* gift
* gift-fasttrack
* gift-gnutella
* gift-openft
* gimp-fourier
* gir-repository [needed by gnome-games (ionut) (JGC)]
* glabels
* glade [needed by anjuta (JGC)]
* glew [needed by koffice-krita (ronald), enblend-enfuse (tpowa)...]
* gmencoder
* gmpc
* gnash-common
* gnash-gtk
* gnome-blog (ionut) (JGC)
* gnome-js-common (ionut) (JGC)
* gnomeicu
* gocr
* gpart
* gperf
* graveman
* gtick
* gtk-smooth-engine
* gtk-vnc [needed by vinagre (JGC),
* gtkam
* gtkglarea
* gtklp
* gtkterm
* gweled
* gxine
* haskell-mtl (vesa)
* haskell-network (vesa)
* haskell-packedstring (vesa)
* haskell-regex-compat (vesa)
* hdf5 [needed by netcdf (ronald)]
* hdup
* hexcurse
* hping
* hsqldb-java
* httplib2
* httptunnel
* httrack
* hugs98
* icmake
* id3lib [needed by bmp, easytag (kevin), id3v2 (hugo), nuovexport (giovanni)]
* ilmbase [needed by openexr (tpowa)]
* imap
* imwheel
* iptraf
* ipvsadm
* irda-utils
* itext
* jack [needed by allegro, mplayer (ionut)]
* jade [needed by some packages in community, move?]
* jed
* joe
* john
* jpilot
* junit
* kdelibs3
* koffice-l10n-* (Ronald)
* lasdspa [needed by liblrdf (giovanni)]
* lesstifextensions
* libchewing
* libdvdcss
* libdvdnav [needed by vlc (giovanni), gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins (JGC)]
* libdvdread [needed by k3b (tpowa), gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins (JGC),
dvdauthor (giovanni)]
* libexif-gtk
* libffi [needed by librep (juergen), gobject-introspection, pygobject (JGC)]
* libflashsupport
* libftdi [needed by lirc-utils (hugo)]
* libgnome-keyring (JGC) (ionut)
* libhangul
* libieee1284 [needed by sane (tpowa)]
* libixp
* liblo [needed by ardour (tobias)]
* liblqr [needed by digikam (tpowa)]
* libmad [needed by vlc (giovanni), mpd (andrea), k3b (tpowa), mplayer
* libmal
* libmcs
* libmodplug [needed by gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins (JGC), mpd (andrea), vlc
* libmowgli
* libmp4v2 [needed by faac (hugo), gtkpod (kevin), tunepimp (tpowa)]
* libmusepack
* libnet [needed by ettercap (hugo)]
* libnids [needed by some packages in community, move?]
* libnjb
* libotf
* libots
* libpqxx [needed by some packages in community, move?]
* libproxy [needed by vlc (giovanni), libsoup-gnome (JGC)]
* libsexymm
* libticonv
* libui-sh [needed by aif (dieter)]
* libvisual-projectm
* libzip [needed by ebook-tools (giovanni)]
* libzrtpcpp
* lincity
* linuxdcpp
* linux_logo
* lsof [needed by glsof (eric), udisks (ionut)]
* ltrace
* lua [needed by awesome (Ronald), nmap (hugo), vlc (giovanni)...]
* luola
* lxsplit
* lynx
* lzo [needed by partimage (Ghost1227)]
* m17n-db
* m17n-lib
* mailman
* mcrypt
* memtest86+
* mhash [needed by steghide (Ghost1227)]
* mime-types [needed by courier-mta (tobias), mutt (Ghost1227), xulrunner
* mod_fastcgi
* mod_fcgid
* mod_python
* mod_wsgi
* monotone
* moon-buggy
* moon-lander
* most
* motion
* mp3blaster
* mrxvt
* mtr
* muse
* ne
* netkit-bsd-finger [needed by gnome-nettool (ionut)]
* netpbm [needed by latex2html (ronald)]
* netselect
* nilfs-utils [needed by archboot (tpowa)]
* nss-mdns
* nss_ldap
* ntop
* nvclock
* opencv [needed by kipi-plugins (tpowa)]
* opengtl [needed by koffice-krita (ronald)]
* opensp [needed by epiphany-extensions (JGC), libofx (aaron)]
* pacbuild
* pal
* pam_ldap
* parprouted
* patchutils
* pebrot
* perl-appconfig
* perl-carp-clan
* perl-file-desktopentry
* perl-file-tail
* perl-io-socket-ssl [needed by perl-soap-lite (giovanni)]
* perl-mail-spf [needed by spamassassin (paul)]
* perl-mail-spf-query
* perl-mime-lite [needed by perl-soap-lite (giovanni)]
* perl-mime-types
* perl-net-dns-resolver-programmable
* pinball
* pkgstats (pierre)
* planner
* potrace [needed by some packages in community, move?]
* prelink
* privoxy
* projectm
* pure-ftpd
* putty
* pylint
* pyqt3 [needed by some packages in community, move?]
* python-cheetah
* python-egenix-mx-base [needed by pypgsql (hugo)]
* python-eyed3
* python-formencode
* python-gdata
* python-geoip [needed by nicotine (hugo)]
* python-logilab-astng
* python-m2crypto [needed by some packages in community, move?]
* python-nose
* python-notify [needed by blueman (ionut), ibus (Ghost1227), miro
* python-numeric [needed by freevo (ronald)]
* python-numpy [needed by panflute (ionut)]
* python-opengl [needed by impressive (Ghost1227)]
* python-pygame [needed by freevo (ronald), impressive (Ghost1227),
pathological (eric)]
* python-pysqlite [needed by billreminder, ibus-sunpiyin (Ghost1227), miro
(ronald), pychess (allan)]
* python-qscintilla [needed by eric (Ghost1227)]
* python-sqlobject
* python-vpython
* pyvorbis [needed by listen (Ghost1227)]
* pyxml [needed by freevo (ronald), inkscape (tobias)...]
* qgit
* qjackctl
* qof
* qscintilla-qt3
* qstat
* qsynth
* qt3
* qt3-doc
* quilt [needed by some packages in community, move?]
* razor
* rbldnsd
* rcs
* re2c [needed by spamassassin (paul)]
* recode [needed by enca (giovanni), fortune-mod (kevin)]
* rep-gtk
* revelation
* rockdodger
* root-tail
* rosegarden
* rpmunpack
* rssh
* ruby [needed by kdebindings-ruby (andrea), ...]
* ruby-docs
* sbackup
* schedtool
* scim*
* scons
* screem
* seed [needed by epiphany, gnome-games (ionut) (JGC)]
* setuptools [needed by deluge (ionut)]
* sg3_utils [needed by libgpod, podsleuth (JGC), udisks (ionut)]
* sharutils [needed by some packages in community, move?]
* slib [needed by gnucash (aaron)]
* slmodem
* slmodem-utils
* smc
* smtpprox
* snarf [needed by archboot (tpowa)]
* snd
* snes9x
* socat [needed by uzbl-browser (ionut)]
* sox [needed by pytube (eric)]
* spamassassin-spamc
* spidermonkey [needed by gpac (Ghost1227)]
* squashfs-tools [needed by archiso (hugo)]
* ssmtp
* stardict
* swatch
* sweep
* swh-plugins
* swi-prolog
* swig [needed by some packages in community, move?]
* swt [needed by some packages in community, move?]
* sylpheed
* synergy
* talloc [needed by samba (tpowa)]
* tcdr
* tcptraceroute
* texi2html
* thttpd
* time
* tin
* tomboy
* tomcat
* tor
* tpb
* transcode [needed by dvdrip, nuvexport (giovanni)]
* transset
* trayer [needed by fvwm-crystal (eric)]
* tsocks
* ttf-fireflysung
* ttf-isabella
* ttf-tibetan-machine
* ttf-ubraille
* twinkle
* uim
* uml_utilities
* unarj
* unixodbc [needed by apr-util (JGC), gambas2 (ionut), redland (andyrtr)]
* v86d [needed by archboot (tpowa)]
* vacation
* valkyrie
* vconfig
* viewglob
* vim-buftabs
* vnc
* w3m [needed by some packages in community, move?]
* webalizer
* wine
* wipe [needed by archboot (tpowa)]
* wireshark
* wmii
* wmix
* words
* worker
* wpa_supplicant_gui
* wput
* wvdial [needed by gnome-ppp (ionut)]
* wvstreams
* x11vnc
* x2vnc
* xarchiver
* xbill
* xbl
* xboard
* xclip [needed by uzbl-browser (ionut)]
* xdialog
* xdrawchem
* xemacs
* xemacs-base
* xemacs-sumo
* xerces2-java [needed by xalan-java (andyrtr)]
* xfce4-artwork (andyrtr)
* xfsdump
* xmahjongg
* xorg-fonts-cyrillic
* xorg-fonts-misc
* xorg-fonts-type1
* xosd
* xournal
* xpdf*
* xplc
* xqf
* xskat
* xtermcontrol
* xzgv
* yasm [needed by mythtv (giovanni)]
* yodl
* yp-tools
* ypbind-mt
* ypserv
* zsnes
* zvbi [needed by kdetv (tpowa), vlc (giovanni)]