May 2021 Archives by author
Starting: Sun May 2 21:02:21 UTC 2021
Ending: Sun May 30 09:41:44 UTC 2021
Messages: 129
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Bjoern Bidar
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Bjoern Bidar
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Bjoern Bidar
- [aur-general] AUR mass deletion, why?
Fabian Bornschein
- [aur-general] AUR mass deletion, why?
Fabian Bornschein
- [aur-general] AUR mass deletion, why?
Fabian Bornschein
- [aur-general] AUR mass deletion, why?
Fabian Bornschein
- [aur-general] AUR mass deletion, why?
Fabian Bornschein
- [aur-general] Mass removal of packages.
Barnabás Béres
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
Pedro Henrique Lara Campos
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
Pedro Henrique Lara Campos
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Brett Cornwall
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Brett Cornwall
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] ...
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] ...
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Manhong Dai
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Daniel Berjón Díez
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Daniel Berjón Díez
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
Rein F
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
Jonathon Fernyhough
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Pasha Finkelshtein
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Pasha Finkelshtein
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Pasha Finkelshtein
- [aur-general] About the vuescan-bin package updating problm
Pasha Finkelshteyn
- [aur-general] About the vuescan-bin package updating problm
Pasha Finkelshteyn
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Damjan Georgievski
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Carsten Haitzler
- [aur-general] About the vuescan-bin package updating problm
Carsten Haitzler
- [aur-general] About the vuescan-bin package updating problm
Carsten Haitzler
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Michael Kogan
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Justin Kromlinger
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Justin Kromlinger
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Filipe Laíns
- [aur-general] TU application: grawlinson
Morten Linderud
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Genes Lists
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
Ralf Mardorf
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Ralf Mardorf
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Ralf Mardorf
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Ralf Mardorf
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Ralf Mardorf
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Ralf Mardorf
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Ralf Mardorf
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Ralf Mardorf
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Ralf Mardorf
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Ralf Mardorf
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Ralf Mardorf
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Ralf Mardorf
- [aur-general] About the vuescan-bin package updating problm
Thibault Molleman
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Doug Newgard
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Doug Newgard
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Doug Newgard
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
Frederik “Freso” S. Olesen
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
David C. Rankin
- [aur-general] TU application: grawlinson
George Rawlinson
- [aur-general] AUR mass deletion, why?
George Rawlinson
- [aur-general] Mass removal of packages.
George Rawlinson
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
Giancarlo Razzolini
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
Giancarlo Razzolini
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Giancarlo Razzolini
- [aur-general] Mass removal of packages.
Christian Rebischke
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Miguel Revilla Rodríguez
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Miguel Revilla Rodríguez
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Miguel Revilla Rodríguez
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Markus Schaaf
- [aur-general] AUR mass deletion, why?
Eli Schwartz
- [aur-general] AUR mass deletion, why?
Eli Schwartz
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
Eli Schwartz
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
Eli Schwartz
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
Eli Schwartz
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Eli Schwartz
- [aur-general] ...
Eli Schwartz
- [aur-general] About the vuescan-bin package updating problm
Eli Schwartz
- [aur-general] About the vuescan-bin package updating problm
Eli Schwartz
- [aur-general] About the vuescan-bin package updating problm
Eli Schwartz
- [aur-general] font-bh-ttf still on the blacklist
Alexander Shpilkin
- [aur-general] Mass removal of packages.
Derek Taylor
- [aur-general] TU application: grawlinson
Santiago Torres-Arias
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Antoine Viallon
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Antoine Viallon
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Antoine Viallon
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Evert Vorster
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Yangjun Wang
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Tinu Weber
- [aur-general] AUR mass deletion, why?
- [aur-general] AUR mass deletion, why?
- [aur-general] font-bh-ttf still on the blacklist
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
- [aur-general] font-bh-ttf still on the blacklist
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
- [aur-general] ...
- [aur-general] ...
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
- [aur-general] Status of Garuda Linux PKGBUILD on AUR?
- [aur-general] Mass removal of packages.
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
mar77i at
- [aur-general] font-bh-ttf still on the blacklist
stefan-husmann at
- [aur-general] font-bh-ttf still on the blacklist
stefan-husmann at
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
- [aur-general] Notification of GPL violation
Last message date:
Sun May 30 09:41:44 UTC 2021
Archived on: Sun May 30 09:42:00 UTC 2021
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).